Protective fences
Better to be safe than sorry
Safety is an important matter in industry. Protecting people is an essential element of safety technology for any company. The aim is to ensure the greatest possible degree of safety for employees without affecting productivity and work processes. Safety concepts should be simple, practical and – of course – safe. Our guiding principle: standardisation wherever possible, and yet the ability to remain flexible in the way we react to the requirements of our customers. Our full service offers precisely that! We supply safety solutions from analysis to planning to installation. Our protective-fence experts are available on site and can therefore ensure the realisation of individual customer requests.
Our in-house production ensures that special solutions can also be realised at all times in the field of protective fences. Our Swinging Production concept and the resulting fixed throughput times enable us to achieve absolute planning security and hence also security with regard to the result.
Every protective fence is unique. The necessary protective effect and local conditions will both affect the configuration of the protective fence in question. It is all the more important to receive competent advice from our protective-fence experts.
The processing of the project is supported by CAD workplaces. Fence, door and post elements are available in the form of STEP files, thereby permitting a rapid and efficient design of the basic structures. On this basis it is possible to realise special solutions with the necessary flexibility.
All information is incorporated into the overall planning and is then quickly implemented with fixed through put times on the basis of our Swinging Production concept. And then the fence is professionally installed by our integration partners.

Our protective fence components are convincing by virtue of their robust, durable steel construction. We have purposely reduced the posts to two versions (light and heavy), by which all requirements can be satisfactorily met.
The mesh elements can be adapted individually and the angle setting of fencing panels can be realised without additional elements. With the multi-function posts the fence elements can be mounted in three directions (door elements and corner connections). With regard to implementation, the option is available as to whether mesh elements will provide sufficient protection or closed sheet elements should be used. When it comes to the mounting of doors, there are also virtually no restrictions with regard to the design options. Whenever it is a matter of safety, it is important to comply with the relevant standards. Our protective fences and housings fulfil all current safety norms and qualifications. In addition to the Machinery Safety Order (Austrian designation MSV 2010/Guideline 2006/42/Eg) we also abide by ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. TÜV-inspected quality, tested by the German Technical Inspection Authority – Made in Austria.

Sliding swing doors
Due to the in-house production of umdasch contract manufacturing, special solutions can also be realized at any time in the area of protective fences. With the selectable add-on of the swing and sliding door combination, an even more flexible use of the protective fence systems is now possible.
A major advantage is literally the large opening width: With up to six meters, the passage of forklifts into the protected area is no problem even with long molded pipes. For the rapid passage of individuals, on the other hand, the simple opening of a separate passageway via sliding door is possible.